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CO Fentanyl Focus Group #2 Registration

Intro Page

Focus Group Registration
Colorado's Fentanyl Accountability and Prevent Act (House Bill 22-1326)

When: August 6, 2024; 12 - 1pm MST
Where: Virtual (Zoom) 

What are the goals of this focus group?
  • Explore strategies public health and harm reduction organizations are implementing to reach people who use fentanyl 
  • Understand the challenges these organizations are facing
  • Identify opportunities to expand the reach and effectiveness of this work
Who should participate? 
Public health and harm reduction practitioners in governmental and community‐based organizations serving the priority population of people who use fentanyl 

NPC Research is an independent research firm that has been contracted to conduct a study and publish a report regarding the impact and implementation of House Bill 22-1326 (Fentanyl Accountability and Prevention Act). This focus group is part of the study. According to Colorado Revised Statute § 25-20.5-1501, a final report including all components of the evaluation must be submitted by December 2024.

Your participation and responses will be kept confidential. Any information you provide will not be presented in a way that could be identified with you. This session will be facilitated by Laura Hunter, Sarah Rowse, and David Reinitz from NPC Research. 

Thank you in advance for contributing to this study! You will receive the Zoom link in a confirmation email.