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EECBG Project

Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) Blueprint Cohorts Signup Form

Hello, thank you for your interest in joining an EECBG Blueprint cohort. We ask you to complete this form, which allows you to select the cohort you want to join. You can join multiple cohorts, but please select one as your primary cohort. Cohort leads for your primary cohort will anticipate regular participation.

After we assign you to an EECBG Blueprint cohort(s) you will receive a welcome email from the cohort leads within a few business days. The email will include information about the cohort's next session and directions on how to access material from previous sessions using C40's Knowledge Hub communication platform. 

If you have any comments or questions, please contact Dave Ribeiro at 

Best wishes, 

EECBG Program Blueprint Cohort Team

1. Your Information *This question is required.
2. Cohort Selection: Which EECBG Blueprint Cohort would you like to be invited to? Please note that while you can join multiple cohorts, we ask you to designate one cohort as your primary cohort. Cohort leads for your primary cohort will anticipate regular participation.  *This question is required.
Please select the cohort(s) you would like to join: