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 Operations Performance and Maturity Assessment Tool (OPMAT)
The manufacturing sector encounters numerous challenges such as labor shortages, supply chain disruptions, heightened competition, and the demand for cost reduction and efficiency enhancement, among others. Thriving manufacturing enterprises are those adept at transforming challenges into competitive advantages. At The Hill Group, we collaborate with our manufacturing partners to devise and deploy resilient strategies, drive enhancements, and relentlessly strive for excellence.

The OPMAT was developed with the goal of providing a tool to objectively and quickly assess the most fundamental elements of a manufacturing operation. Objectivity is ensured through “yes/no” and multiple-choice questions based on performance data. 

The OPMAT includes six elements: Leadership, Materials and Flow, Processes, Suppliers, Support Systems, and Continuous Improvement, each of which is comprised of five dimensions. The report gives an overall score and corresponding level of maturity that can set a baseline to improve upon. Elements and dimensions are also scored to provide more granularity and highlight the most impactful areas to focus improvement efforts.

Your responses are confidential.  They will be shared with The Hill Group and via email with you.