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KRDHD Client Satisfaction Survey

KRDHD Client Satisfaction Survey

Please help us improve our services to you and the community by taking this short survey. For each question please select the answer that best represents your response. Thank you!
1. Where did you receive your service? 
2. Which program/service did you receive? (check all that apply)
3. How much do you agree with the following statements?
Space Cell Strongly AgreeAgreeNeither Agree or DisagreeDisagreeStrongly DisagreeN/A
The appointment time worked with my schedule.
Health Department staff were friendly and respectful.
The services I received were delivered promptly.
Health department staff were helpful.
Information provided was clear/understandable.
Staff was well informed.
The services I received met my social, cultural, and/or special needs.
Health department staff took the time to listen to my concerns.
If visit occurred in a health department facility it was clean and free from safety concerns.
I got the information or service that I needed.
I would recommend the program/service to my friends and family.
4. How satisfied were you with your overall experience?
Very SatisfiedSatisfiedNeutralDissatisfiedVery Dissatisfied
8. How did you hear about our services?
9. Would you like to be contacted by a staff member to discuss your responses?
10. If yes, please list your name and contact information.