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BCO NextGen Awards 2024 Nomination Form

Are you nominating yourself? *This question is required.
This question requires a valid email address.
Please provide one 300-word piece of supporting documentation for the nominee. Please also provide contact details for three referees* who can be contacted by the judges for a supporting statement.

If you are nominating yourself, the same rules as above apply. 

This can be a simple Word document. Please upload your supporting documentation below. Nominations without any supporting documentation will not be considered. If you encounter any problems, please email with your documentation.

*The Inspirational Leader of the Year award only requires one referee.

  *This question is required.
Please upload one high resolution (at least 300 dpi) headshot that the BCO can use to represent the nominee if and when shortlisted.
Please upload the Employer of the Year supporting documentation here. 

This should be a PDF that combines your 300-word text and an A3 sheet with up to five images and/or diagrams illustrating why you wish to nominate this company. Ensure that the A3 document contains no text apart from explanatory captions. 

Nominations without any supporting documentation will not be considered. If you encounter any problems, please email with your documentation. *This question is required.
Please upload one image that the BCO can use to represent the nominated Employer of the Year if and when shortlisted.  *This question is required.
I confirm that the nominee is aged 35 or under at the time of submitting this nomination.  *This question is required.