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Estudio panorámico de la audiencia: encuesta de perfil demográfico y conducta del comprador

Optional and Customized Questions

Please let us know which of the optional questions you would like to include in the Communications & Media Use Audience Outlook Monitor survey when you send it out. You can view the survey on the cohort webpage where the optional questions are marked with a green tag.

Note that if you do not select a question or grouping of questions below, it will not be on the survey when you send it. None of the questions on the survey will be mandatory and respondents can skip any number of questions and still complete the survey.

At the end of this form you will be automatically sent an email with a pdf of the answers you submitted for your records.

Please let us know which of the optional questions you would like to include in the Communications & Media Use Audience Outlook Monitor survey when you send it out. You can view the survey on the cohort webpage where the optional questions are marked with a green tag.

Note that if you do not select a question or grouping of questions below, it will not be on the survey when you send it. None of the questions on the survey will be mandatory and respondents can skip any number of questions and still complete the survey.

At the end of this form you will be automatically sent an email with a pdf of the answers you submitted for your records.

Esta pregunta requiere una dirección de correo electrónico válida.
3. Por lo general, ¿cómo llega a nuestros programas? (Seleccione una opción.)
