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BSL2 Annual Medical Surveillance Form

General Information: This form is HIPPA compliant. The information supplied is private health information that is not shared with Montana State University. This gets submitted directly to the Occupational Health Medical Providers at Bridger Orthopedic.

This question requires a valid date format of MM/DD/YYYY.
This question requires a valid date format of MM/DD/YYYY.
12. Changes in Medical/Health History: Includes changes in social history/habits since last exam or since completing your Risk Assessment or prior Annual Medical Surveillance Form *This question is required.
14. Changes to Medications including new allergies to medications *This question is required.
16. Changes to known Allergies: Environmental (pollen, chemicals, etc) or Animal *This question is required.
18. Changes to Animal Species you are working with or have worked with in the past? *This question is required.
20. Changes to daily work activites/duties including changes to PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) *This question is required.
22. Changes to OSHA Respirator/Asbestos Questionnaire *This question is required.
24. Changes that now include working with Human Material (ex. blood, tissues, saliva, urine or other waste materials)

If Selecting "Yes" below please make sure you have including either Hep B vaccination date below or indicate if you have completed the Hep B Vaccination Declination Waiver
  *This question is required.
25. Please check all that apply regarding which immunizations or tests you have received in the past:
26. Changes or new exposures to Pathogens or Bacterial/Viral Agents *This question is required.
28. Changes to Biological, Chemical, or Radioactive Agents that you are currently working with *This question is required.
30. Any other questions or concerns about your Health in your workplace that you wish to discuss with a medical provider  *This question is required.
32. Do you have other medical concerns you wish to be discussed in person and want to be contacted to set up an In-Person Annual Medical Evaluation at Bridger Orthopedic Occupational Health? *This question is required.