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Tieger Personality Indicator for Children (TPI-C)™


Tieger Personality Indicator for Children (TPI-C)™

Welcome! The assessment you are about to take will help you determine which of five innate personality types most accurately describes your child. In a rigorous validation study, 93% of parents reported the assessment identified their child’s personality type as “very” or "quite” accurate.

The assessment results are 100% anonymous! We collect no information that can identify any participant. Most people complete the assessment in less than three minutes.

The report, generated from TPI-C™ (Tieger Personality Indicator for Children™) is provided for educational purposes only. It is NOT meant to diagnose any condition, nor does it explain or predict any future behavior or conditions in children of any personality type. Your report may indicate that children whose personality type is similar to your child’s may be at increased risk for anxiety or depression. But every individual is unique. Therefore, this does not mean that YOUR child is necessarily at increased risk.
  • Below are snapshots of five different inborn personality types. Please review all five of these types and answer the question below.
  • You may recognize some qualities of your child in all five types. Or find that some types fit well, except for one or two qualities.
  • Please indicate the ONE type – as a whole – which describes your child best…even if only a little better than the other four types. About 80% of the profile should fit your child.
  • Think about your child over the whole span of their childhood. If your child is in their late teens, it may help you by remembering what they were like when they were younger.
  • You're welcome to discover the personality type for more than one child, but you must complete a new survey for each child.

"My Child tends to..."

Type 1
  • be serious & cautious
  • follow the rules and want others to also
  • respect authority figures (like parents, teachers, doctors)
  • get annoyed if plans are changed- especially at the last minute
  • like to finish things they start like games, art projects, puzzles.
Type 2
  • be independent, strong-willed & competitive
  • be bright, creative & loves to learn
  • argue or "push back" when something does not make sense
  • be confident & appear sure of themselves
  • not be very emotional or overly affectionate
Type 3
  • love to have fun & not take things too seriously
  • like to be spontaneous, impulsive and take risks
  • like to win & usually don't worry much about those who lose
  • enjoy sports & physical activities
  • not mind bending the rules. 
Type 4
  • be easy going, warm, gentile & humble
  • be playful, spontaneous & impulsive
  • have deep feelings but be private about them
  • like to please people, be loyal to friends and good at sharing
  • love animals & take good care of them
Type 5
  • be very sensitive, feel things deeply & can be moody
  • tune into others' feelings. are loving & affectionate
  • be creative in art, music, poetry, dance, acting, etc.
  • take things personally & become upset when criticized
  • become easily frightened & be prone to worrying
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1.   Which ONE type describes your child best? (About 80% of this profile fits).

  *This question is required.