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Encuesta demográfica de la fuerza laboral de las artes y la cultura - MASTER

Afiliación de la Organización

A.R.T./New York seeks to better serve our organizational and individual members informed by your operations, opportunities, and needs. The insights and experiences that you will share with A.R.T./New York through this survey will directly impact how we support the sector as a whole. Your responses to this survey will provide valuable input into an exploration of the current state of New York theatres with questions around operations, finances, staffing, and opportunities to support your work.

This survey is being undertaken by A.R.T./New York and administered by SMU DataArts. Administration by SMU DataArts helps guarantee your data is kept secure and confidential.
Your participation is crucial to the project's success. The survey should take approximately 30 minutes to complete. The survey deadline has been extended by 2 weeks, and will now close on September 30, 2024.

What is the Health and Wealth project?
In simplest terms, the project is about understanding New York’s theatremaking community with the intention of serving and advocating for the field and its future. With the generous support of the Booth Ferris Foundation, over the next year A.R.T./New York is conducting a rigorous and comprehensive review of our membership with three key goals:  
  • To develop a nuanced understanding of the unique challenges and opportunities facing non-profit theatrical organizations in New York; 
  • To adapt our Member Services and Programmatic offerings to provide the most meaningful impact to our members, while building a sustainable service model that appropriately leverages our organizational assets; and
  • To articulate and disseminate our learnings on behalf of the field to advocate for greater funding, visibility, and recognition for the Off and Off-Off Broadway ecosystem.
This survey is not just about A.R.T./New York; it’s also about understanding big-picture themes and needs for NYC theatremakers as a whole. We will use the data gathered during this project to not only help support you better through our programming, but also to develop a research publication that will identify concrete, actionable insights and recommendations we can take to private and public funders to advocate for solutions that help address the challenges our sector is most struggling with today.

As a thank-you for participating, A.R.T./New York is pleased to offer you:
  • A $30 Amazon gift card to all participants who complete the survey. The gift card will be emailed within 10 days of completing the survey to the email address you provide at the beginning of the survey.
  • 20% off all studio rentals for participants who complete the survey. This offer is available through the duration of the survey and expires on Sept. 30, 2024. Bookings must conclude by Dec. 31, 2024. Promo rates cannot be applied to performances or classes/workshops with fees. Click here for more information on our studios, or click here to request promo pricing.
Thank you for participating in this important research.

  • Your responses remain confidential and no identifying characteristics of any individual respondent or organization will be shared outside of SMU DataArts, A.R.T./New York, or consultants supporting this project without explicit consent. 
  • A.R.T./New York will use survey responses to better communicate with and serve our members. We require organizational or individual member names to begin the survey, so while your responses are confidential, they are not anonymous.
  • Aggregate data will be used for this research project, and may be included in future research benefitting the arts and cultural sector. Please refer to SMU DataArts’ Terms of Service and Privacy Policy for more information about how your data may be used.
Documents you’ll need: 
You will need year-end financial reports for Fiscal Years 2019, 2022, and 2023 such as a Profit & Loss Statement (also called a Statement of Activities or Income Statement) and your IRS Form 990. You will also need records related to your organization's workforce, attendance, and program records. You may find it helpful to refer to numbers submitted to NYSCA or DCLA, as some answers to our survey questions may align with numbers previously provided in grant applications. 
You can download a copy of the questions included within the survey here.
Use the Next and Back buttons at the bottom of each page to navigate through the survey and save the page you are working on. You do not need to enter zeroes into fields that do not apply to you or your organization unless specifically instructed to do so. Please do not press the Enter key after entering data into an open field, just click over to the next field or move to the next page using the Next or Back buttons.
You do not have to complete the survey in one sitting. After clicking Next or Back, click "Save and continue later" at the top of the page and enter your email address to get a new link for when you are ready to continue. You can then exit the survey, and use the new link emailed to you from the system to resume data entry later.
Instructions and definitions are included throughout. You can hover over blue, underlined text for further clarification. Questions or sections with a red asterisk (*) are required. 
This survey is not optimized for use on a mobile phone, a desktop or laptop computer is recommended. We also recommend keeping your browser window at full width if possible, narrowing the window may disrupt the intended alignment of the survey.
Contact Information:
For support with the survey, please contact the SMU DataArts Support Center:
For any other questions about the project, please contact A.R.T./NY at
