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Foundation of the AAGL - 2024 Charles Koh, MD World Suturing Competition

Calling All Practicing/Consulting Physicians and Fellows!   

Do you suture with such finesse and elegance that you can't wait to share it with others? Now is your chance to showcase your skills to the world by entering the 4th annual Charles Koh World Suturing Championship. 

The suturing competition this year will be conducted through videos submitted as stipulated below. There will not be a live competition. Judging will incorporate votes from viewers after the videos are published. The judges will then add to the voting popularity score of the videos to determine the winner. Further suturing videos or exercises may be requested to determine the winners of each category.

The winner of each category will be announced at the Foundation of the AAGL’s Awards Ceremony held at the AAGL Global Congress, on Monday, November 18, 2024, in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.

Deadline to Submit a Video is July 31, 2024.

One video per submission form.
Multiple submissions accepted.
Winner must attend the Foundation of the AAGL Award Ceremony in New Orleans, Louisiana. 


There Are Two Categories of Competition: OPEN and FELLOWS (fellows/trainees can only compete in one category):
OPEN CATEGORY: This category is open to all practitioners. 
  • The task of this video is laparoscopic myomectomy.
  • The video will be judged on complexity of the myomectomy performed, e.g. a deep intramural fibroid abutting the endometrium would be considered a more challenging operation than a superficial myomectomy.
  • As this is fertility promoting surgery, aspects of technique that respects this principle is desirable.
  • A postoperative chromopertubation to demonstrate tubal patency and absence of serious endometrial breach (or effective repair), is recommended.
  • Multilayer closure of the deep incision is desirable, and will be judged on the efficacy, and elegance of the suture repair; with technique that minimizes postoperative adhesions. (e.g. excessive energy use for serosal hemostasis would be undesirable); the sero-muscularis should be closed with fine suture e.g. 3/0.
  • The video should be edited to 7 minutes with at least 1/2 of the time devoted to suturing, with one minute showing unedited suturing.
  • All styles of laparoscopic suturing are accepted.
  • The winner of this category must attend the Foundation of the AAGL Award Ceremony, held during the AAGL Global Congress, Monday, November 18, 2024, in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
  • At the FAAGL Award Ceremony, the winner will be a guest of honor at the table of Dr. Charles Koh, receive recognition as the 2024 World Suturing Champion, and receive the Charles H. Koh Excellence in Suturing Award.

FELLOWS CATEGORY: This is open to all fellows/trainees worldwide. A letter from the program director attesting the training status is needed.
  • The task of this video is unedited intracorporeal suturing on a model simulating transverse closure of a rectal disc resection.
  • All suturing styles are allowed. The suture size stipulated is 3/0 of any material and needle.
  • There must be a stopwatch in the trainer that is started when the suture and instruments are introduced into the model.
  • The specimen is a simulated bowel after disc excision.
  • The opening is 35 mm wide and 3 mm vertical at the center.
  • The winner of this category must attend the Foundation of the AAGL Award Ceremony, held during the AAGL Global Congress, Monday, November 18, 2024, in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
  • At the FAAGL Award Ceremony, the winner will be a guest of honor at the table of Dr. Charles Koh, receive a $1000 scholarship and recognition as the Fellow Category Suturing Champion. 
  • Perform one interrupted suture leaving a tail at R or L end. (3 throws surgeons knot)
  • Perform continuous suturing starting at opposite end starting with intracorporeal knot (3 throws) and then continuous suturing thru the dots to reach opposite end and tie to tail of the first suture - 3 throws of surgeon's knot.
  • There should be 8 markings, 5mm apart as in picture, on both sides of the defect.
  • The bowel gap is 3mm at its midpoint and tapered at the ends.
  • Accuracy of needle insertion through the marks, adequate closure, and time will be among the factors scored.

  • Can be purchased at 3Dmed. One specimen can be used for multiple candidates as it is 8” long.

2. Can be created out of any flat rubber sheet 2mm. Thick with a similar opening created as pictured and with the 8 dots on each side.

Post disc resection model: 35mm. Wide and 3mm. Height Dots are 5mm. Apart on both sides of the wound.

If you have questions about this competition, please email

Don't Miss This Chance to Become a Suturing Superstar - Submit Your Entry Today!
1. Which Category Will You Be Competing?  *This question is required.
This question requires a valid email address.
10. Upload a Professional Photo of YourselfYou will be sent a separate link to upload your video later. *This question is required.
11. Do you have a Social Media Account we can promote?