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ConnectALL AHCP Building Conditions Self-Assessment


The following survey is for owners of regulated, rental, affordable housing properties interested in no-cost broadband infrastructure deployments at their properties through New York’s Affordable Housing Connectivity Program (AHCP). The AHCP will grant funds to internet service providers (ISPs) and other broadband deployment entities to build or upgrade broadband infrastructure in 100,000 units of affordable housing. Properties with responses to this survey will be prioritized for grant-funded projects.

This survey will ask detailed questions about your property. Your responses will be shared with ISPs who will develop proposals for broadband infrastructure deployments tailored to the specific conditions of your property. We recommend you review the survey questions here before starting the survey to gather necessary information (e.g., we encourage respondents to consult property or asset managers, contractors, development teams, architects or others who have knowledge of your property).

This survey will request information about:
  1. The buildings that make up your property (number of buildings, their size -- including number of units and number of floors, residential square footage, year of construction, and rooftop access) 

  2. The affordability of the property (subsidy or regulatory programs that govern the property’s affordability and when they expire, number of affordable units, etc.) 

  3. Plans for renovations or construction in the next two years including roof replacement 

  4. Electrical services at the property (e.g., does each unit have connection to internet infrastructure, and does the building have fiber, fixed wireless, copper telephone, or coaxial cable connections) 

Lastly, please note, if you are interested in no-cost broadband infrastructure at more than one property, please complete one survey for each property. (A single property may consist of one or multiple buildings. You only need to submit one survey for a property with multiple buildings.) Please contact for additional information on filling in the survey for multiple properties.
1. Properties where affordable rental units have income restrictions or affordability covenants regulated by the state or another government agency may be eligible for the AHCP. Those properties funded by one of the following programs are likely eligible for the AHCP (please note, this is a non-exhaustive list): 4% and 9% low-income housing tax credits (LIHTC), project-based section 8, HOME, Mitchell-Lama, and federal public housing.  If you are an owner of an affordable housing property funded by other sources and would like to discuss your property’s eligibility, please contact

Are you submitting a survey for a property with rental units that are regulated by or receive subsidy from a government agency? *This question is required.