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Report a Firefox 3rd party installer website

Search the web in your own language (and preferably, for the purpose of this campaign, from another browser outside of Firefox) and find non-Mozilla websites that offer Firefox installer and report them here so that we can analyze further. We handle your information as described in the Mozilla Privacy Policy.

Tip: You can change the language of this form by navigating to the language dropdown in the top-right corner of this page.
Details about the website
Details about your search method
3. What is your operating system? *This question is required.
4. Which browser did you use to find this website? *This question is required.
7. Which search engine did you use to find this website? *This question is required.
9. Was there an advertisement promoting this website on the search results page? *This question is required.
Details about website's attributes
10. Does the website do the following thing? *This question is required.
Details about the installer build
13. Which installer type do they let you download?
Additional question
(optional and only used for recognition purposes) This question requires a valid email address.