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ICTP: Tracer study



Welcome to the evaluation survey on the
Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP)


This survey is intended to collect feedback on ICTP performance from participants in Diploma, PhD, Master’s, STEP and TRIL programmes between 2012 and 2023.

The survey forms part of an evaluation conducted by the UNESCO Evaluation Office, which aims to contribute to evidence-based programming, accountability and organizational learning.

We thank you very much for your collaboration.


Veuillez sélectionner la langue de votre choix dans la partie supérieure droite de l’écran / Seleccione el idioma que desee en la esquina superior derecha de la pantalla.

The survey is anonymous. You will not be asked to provide your name or any identifier, and individual responses will not be disclosed. 
The questionnaire should take around 10 minutes to complete.

If you have any question, you can send an email to
