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Licensee Request for Deviation from Sampling Quality System Standard


Section 130.21 of Title 9 NYCRR requires laboratory sampling firms to obtain a representative sample of medical cannabis or adult-use cannabis as determined by the Office for testing by a permitted cannabis laboratory.  Unless prior written approval from the Office is received, a laboratory sampling firm must conduct sampling at a licensed entity (e.g., microbusiness, processor, cultivator, and registered organization) in accordance with the sampling standards set forth in the Sampling Quality System Standards (SQSS).   

Licensees who are seeking to deviate from the SQSS must have prior written approval of the Office.  Licensees must complete this form for each cannabis product lot or batch prior to a sampling event of the cannabis product lot or batch by an approved laboratory sampling firm. The licensee can also use this form to request a deviation for more than one cannabis product lot of the same form or type. This request must come from the licensee and not the sampling firm or permitted laboratory. Please allow the Office at least ten (10) business days to process your request.

If you have any questions regarding your request, please contact