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2024 Race Trends: Global Runner Survey, sponsored by ACTIVE

Your Runner/Walker Profile

Welcome to the 2024 Global Runner Survey from Running USA. If you fully complete the survey and share your email with us, you will be entered to win a $50 gift card.
1. How do you classify yourself as a runner or walker as your primary activity (select one)?   *This question is required.
2. On average, how many days per week do you run or walk? *This question is required.
3. What are your primary reasons for running or walking?  Select up to THREE responses.   *This question is required.
4. How many of the following types of running or walking events did you finish in the LAST 12 MONTHS (enter a numeric value, enter 0 if no events)?   *This question is required.
Space Cell Number of Events
1 mile or shorter
2 miles to 5K
Half marathon
Virtual Events
5. In the NEXT 12 MONTHS, do you expect to finish more, the same, or a fewer number of each of these types of running or walking events? (Select one answer in each row) *This question is required.
Space Cell MoreThe SameFewerNot sure
1 mile or shorter
2 miles to 5K
Half marathon
Virtual events
6. When comparing 2024 to 2023 OVERALL, do you expect the number of running or walking events you participate in will... (select one) *This question is required.
7. If you expect the number of running or walking events will change for 2024 compared to 2023, why do you think this is the case? (select all that apply)
8. Which running or walking event DISTANCE is your favorite? *This question is required.
10. Which running, walking or combination endurance event TYPE is your favorite? *This question is required.