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Rental Property Grant Application 2024

Rental Property Grant Application 2024

Application Instructions

Please complete this form. If you would like help in filling out the application, please call or email the Rental Housing Team at or 970-416-2305.

Grant funding is available for rental properties to improve climate resilience and energy efficiency.  Eligible projects include: 
  • Furnaces, heat pumps, air conditioners, or evaporative ("swamp") coolers
  • Water heaters
  • Windows
  • Insulation
  • Weather proofing

If you previously submitted a grant application for Round 1 of funding, you do not need to submit again.  Your application will be automatically considered for this round of funding if it meets the criteria above.

Applications are due by July 01st at 5 PM.

Applications will be reviewed after the deadline.  You will receive an email on the status of your application by July 19th.  Please plan to begin work as soon as possible after you receive notification of funding.  Funds can be spent through November 30th, 2024, but these grants are intended to meet immediate needs.

Through a bid process, the City of Fort Collins has selected licensed contractors to complete project work. If awarded a grant, you will schedule the work with one of these contractors.

Contractors will ask you to sign a work completion form after the service is completed. Then contractors will invoice Neighborhood Services directly for payment.

Grant recipients are NOT responsible for—
1) Submitting invoice or work completion form
2) Receiving money directly and paying contractors for awarded service

Please visit for more details.

1. Please provide information on you and your rental property. *This question is required.
Which of the following options apply to you? *This question is required.
  • * This question is required.
Do you rent out part or all of this home? *This question is required.