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Registration 2024 Torino for ANIMU members


Dear all, 

In September (12-15th), we organise our annual conference in Torino, Italy. With the theme: “Qualified: what next?” (From safe to practice to strive for excellence)
The conference will investigate: How has our profession changed, what is the current job market after we “qualify” and how we move from safe to practice becoming an excellent professional. These are important topics, and we need to stop and reflect on it.

Please fill in this form, ANIMU has a special agreement with efsli to give a special price to their members. 

This special offer is valid for those who register by 30 June 2024. After this date, all members should pay the full conference fee, via the website of the conference.

We hope to see you all in Turin! 
The organising committee of ANIMU and the efsli board