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Brownfields Return on Investment (ROI) Survey 2024


Thank you for participating in the Indiana Brownfields Program Return on Investment (ROI) Project. Your feedback is very important to us as we continue to evaluate and improve our Program for your benefit.

As a brownfield project stakeholder, you will be asked a series of questions about a brownfield project that received financial, legal, and/or technical assistance from the Indiana Brownfields Program. The questions include information about project status, business and employment, funding, and property values.  We realize some projects have not yet reached the end of the redevelopment process, in which case you may skip questions or provide estimates.

If you are completing the ROI project survey for more than one brownfield site/property/project, you will be given an option to restart the survey upon completion.

If you need to come back to the survey later, you will see an option to "
save and continue later" at the top right of the page.