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2024-2025 Child Health Training Program Application

North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services

Application for Child Health Enhanced Role Registered Nurse Training Program

Please complete the information below in order to apply to participate in the the Child Health Training Program.

Thank you
This question requires a valid email address.
10. Type of Employment: *This question is required.
11. Please document dates (from/to) for each of the specialty areas with which you have past of present experience (choose all that apply): *This question is required.
12. Indicate your nursing education date issued month/year (choose all that apply): *This question is required.
Scan a copy of your certificate and email to

If you do not have a copy of your certificate, the Office of Chief Public Health Nurse at the N.C. Division of Public Health, office number 919-707-5130, maintains course rosters.
14. Preceptor Qualifications:  The primary preceptor must be an advanced practice provider or physician.  It is strongly recommended that the provider have a specialty of Pediatrics or Family Medicine.  Secondary preceptor(s), if applicable, may be a rostered CHERRN with a minimum of 2 years clinical practice.  See the 2024-2025 CHTP Local Planning Document for more details. *This question is required.
15. Provide the following information on the primary preceptor and secondary preceptor  (if applicable): *This question is required.
Space Cell Primary preceptor Secondary preceptor (if applicable)
Health Department Address
Home Address (Resources will be mailed directly to the preceptor.  Please provide your home mailing address.)
Email Address
16. Provide the following information on the Nursing Director and Clinical Supervisor: *This question is required.
Space Cell Nursing DirectorClinical Supervisor
Office Phone
Cell Phone
Email Address
17. Provide the following information regarding the physician who will provide standing orders (if applicable): *This question is required.
Space Cell Medical Director who receives/approves nursing standing orders and provides ongoing consultation
Office Phone
Email Address