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2024 Black Rock City Census

Consent Form

Online Consent Form

Research Title: 2024 Black Rock City Census

Principal Investigator:     
Samuel Ehrenreich, PhD            

Partner Organization: Burning Man Project

Project Description: This survey is for individuals who attended Burning Man this year and are at least 18 years old. The survey questions ask about your experiences in Black Rock City, your thoughts about Burning Man and related topics. The results of this survey will be distributed in reports on the Burning Man website, at the Census Lab in Black Rock City, and in academic publications. The information is also used by Burning Man Project to improve the event and to better represent the interests of the people of Black Rock City in negotiations with authorities in the state of Nevada and the US federal government. The study is being conducted for the University of Nevada, Reno by Andrea Morency, Ph.D. with supervision of Samuel Ehrenreich, University of Nevada, Reno,

General Study Procedure: For this study, you will be asked to complete an online questionnaire that typically takes between 15-20 minutes. 

Risks: There is no expected risk associated with participation in this study. 

Benefits: There is no direct personal benefit associated with participation in this study. This study is designed for researchers and Burning Man Project to learn more about people’s thoughts and experiences in regards to Burning Man. This study is not designed to treat any illness or to improve your health. 

Costs/Compensation: There is no financial cost or compensation for your participation in this study. We appreciate your willingness to share the gift of your data and time! 

Study Withdrawal: Participation is voluntary. You have the right to stop at any time.  You may skip any question or end participation in the study at any time without any negative consequences or prejudice.  

Invitations for Questions: Please feel free to ask any questions about this study or this consent form, either now or in the future, by contacting Andrea Morency, PhD at 775-313-5105 or Samuel Ehrenreich is a professor at the Department of Human Development and Family Sciences and Counseling at the University of Nevada, Reno. The Institutional Ethics Committee for Research with Human Participants of the university approved this project. If you have any concerns or questions about the study that cannot be addressed by the main researcher, please contact the coordinator of the committee at 775-327-2367 or If you have complaints, please contact the Research Compliance Officer at 775-327-2373 or  

Confidentiality: All information collected in this survey is kept strictly confidential, except as may be required by law. Confidentiality is strictly maintained; data collected during this study is coded and stored by number. To maintain your confidentiality, we will never ask you for your name, and only group results are released for publication. Further, research assistants and collaborators involved in this project have signed a confidentiality agreement. All responses are kept on a secure website. All records (stored by participant number) are kept indefinitely.
1. AUTHORIZATION: I have read this information about the study. I understand the possible risks and benefits of this study.  I know that participation in this study is voluntary. I choose to be in this study. By clicking at the bottom of this screen, I agree to participate in this study and I understand that I may withdraw my consent at any time without any prejudice against me. *This question is required.