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2024 Midwest ACE Call for Proposals

Deadline: June 14, 2024

The Program Committee will work to balance current, critical topics along with meeting the needs of our membership to further grow as leaders and managers in our corporate and institutional environments. Our mission is to craft a program that addresses the needs of career services and employer professionals. 
All presenters must register for and attend the conference in person. While one-day rates will be available, registration discounts are not provided for presenters.

  • Presenter Resume/CV and Bios
  • Session Title
  • Session Description (200 word max)
  • Brief Description for Conference App (75 word max)
  • Learning Objective (Minimum 1, Applies to Breakout Session submissions only)
Sessions for the conference can be in one of two formats:
  • Breakout Session (Lecture or Panel): These 60 minute sessions can take various forms, from a single presenter or panel presentation to a facilitated networking discussion. Sessions are assigned to be presented on November 21st and 22nd. 
  • Hot Topic Discussion: What do you consider yourself an expert in? Join other MWACE experts to present your idea / project based on your topic of choice. We are interested in topics such as alumni and mentoring programs, new technology, building programs, and recruitment at smaller institutions and community colleges.
Some topics to consider include: 
  • Administration
  • Assessment and Data Analytics
  • Career Advising/Counseling
  • Diversity and Inclusion
  • Employer
  • Employer Relations
  • Experiential Education
  • Personal / Professional Development
  • Small Colleges and Universities
  • Technology
To read more about potential breakout session topics click here.

Sessions must be noncommercial in nature. To maintain the educational integrity of the program, presenters may not use their session as a platform for promotion of their products and services, or for monetary gain.

We very much look forward to receiving your breakout and/or hot topic discussion proposals and we thank you in advance for having the interest and taking the time to submit your program!

If you have questions or any problems accessing the form, please be in touch with the MWACE Office.