Thanks for your interest in our research. Our team is looking to make improvements to the way people explore education and career information in Ontario, and we are inviting people to participate in feedback sessions.

Sessions are:
  • conducted online using Zoom, a web-based screen-sharing software service
  • 1-on-1 sessions with you and the moderator, supported by a small research team
  • 60 minutes long
  • confidential and voluntary
If you'd like to help, please complete this 2-5 minute questionnaire.

If you are selected, scheduled, and attend a session, and you are not an Ontario Public Service employee or contractor, you may receive up to a $60 gift card as thanks for your time.

Your privacy:
Your answers to this questionnaire will be viewed only by our research and program teams. Any personal information you provide in this survey (such as your email address or phone number) will be used only to contact you to book a session. It will not be tied to your feedback.

Information you provide in this survey is:
This questionnaire is hosted by Alchemer. You can see Alchemer’s privacy policy for more information.

Let us know if you need these questions in another format. 

Questions? Contact Victoria Jacobs at
1. Do you live in Ontario? *This question is required.
How long have you lived in Ontario?
What best describes your current situation when it comes to living in Ontario?
2. How old are you? *This question is required.
3. What best describes your experience with exploring education and career pathways?
Please select the option that you would most like to speak about in a session, it can be from current or past experiences. *This question is required.
4. Do you work for the Ontario Public Service (as a permanent or contract employee in a ministry, secretariat or office, not including an agency)?  *This question is required.
5. Have you ever received a ‘thank you’ gift card from the Ontario User Research Lab for joining in previous user research or feedback sessions? *This question is required.