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DHWNZ 2024 Māori and Pasifika Conference Scholarships

HiNZ acknowledges the particular importance of genuine and true relationships with Tangata Whenua and Tangata Pasifika. We are committed to deepening and strengthening those relationships and these donated scholarships provide an opportunity for HiNZ to demonstrate this commitment.

If you know of someone who would benefit from this scholarship opportunity, please complete the nomination form for them. You are also welcome to apply directly for the scholarship yourself.

What does the scholarship cover?
We’re delighted to offer TEN full scholarships this year to successful Māori and Pasifika recipients. These scholarships will cover:

  • the full conference registration fee
  • pass to the workshop of your choice
  • ticket to the conference dinner
  • travel costs are NOT included

Before you fill in this application form, please check whether the prospective scholarship recipient is eligible:

  • Must be of Māori or Pasifika descent AND
  • Must be a first-time attendee at Digital Health Week NZ AND
  • Unable to get funding to attend
4. Which ethnic group does the prospective scholarship recipient belong to? Select all that apply. *This question is required.
  • * This question is required.
5. Is the prospective scholarship recipient descended from Māori? That is, did they have a Māori birth parent, grandparent or great-grandparent, etc? If they are of Cook Islands Māori descent, mark ‘no’ unless they are also of New Zealand Māori descent. *This question is required.
Do you know the name(s) of the prospective scholarship recipient's iwi (tribe or tribes)? *This question is required.
6. Has the prospective scholarship recipient attended a Digital Health Week NZ conference before? *This question is required.
7. Has the prospective scholarship recipient requested and been denied funding to attend this workshop? *This question is required.
For the following questions, please take the time to respond in detail and make your case for why the prospective scholarship recipient should be awarded one of the conference scholarships. Each question is worth a set scoring percentage. The total score will be used by the Scholarship Review Panel when making their final decision.
8. Is the prospective scholarship recipient a student or currently employed (part-time or full-time)? *This question is required.