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Marshall 2024 Community Planning Survey


Thank you for taking the time to provide your feedback for an update to the City of Marshall Master Plan, Parks and Recreation Plan, and Economic Development Plan!

Combined, these plans make a clear statement of the community's intent for future development and growth. The plans describe where, how, and at what pace the community wants to develop physically, economically, and socially. Plans like these look forward, establishing a vision and specific goals with actionable steps to get there. 

As we plan for the future, your voice matters. This survey is one of many opportunities to share your ideas, identify assets, find opportunities, and envision how Marshall can become an even better place for residents, business owners, and visitors alike. 

This survey should take no more than 10 minutes to complete. Be on the lookout for our community meetings and future engagement opportunities!

Thank you for partnering with us!
City of Marshall Master Plan Steering Committee