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2024 Violence Prevention Community Calls Registration Form

2024 Violence Prevention Community Calls Registration Form

Thank you for your interest in participating in our upcoming Violence Prevention Community Call.   Please complete the following registration form to share your interest in participating in the next call scheduled for May 16 from 6:00-7:30am PDT (find your local time here). 

During this call, we will briefly go over the basics of what it means to use a health approach to anticipate and prevent violence in your community and examine together how this approach can be applied to specific situations or contexts submitted by YOU!   Please use the space in the below form to provide a short description of a scenario you are facing that you would like to have discussed during this session.   

Contact Karen Volker ( or Larissa Abaunza ( with questions or considerations specific to this workshop. 

Save the date!  

The next Violence Prevention Community Call will be held on June 20, 2024 from 6:00-7:30am PDT (find your local time here).  On this Community Call will discuss a new global campaign to end violence.  We look forward to sharing the details of this new campaign with you and getting your input on how best to share this campaign within the network and beyond.  
This question requires a valid email address.
5. What is your connection with URI? *This question is required.
7. Of the following three URI Purposes, which do you or your CC most aim to advance or impact? Please rank which statement is the greatest priority focus of your CC's activities as 1; then your second focus of your CC as number 2; and then your third priority focus of your CC as number 3. Note you can only select one number for each statement. *This question is required. Note: for the following table each column is restricted to a single answer across all rows.
10. The workshops will be in English. Do you require interpretation into your primary language? 
12. Gender *This question is required.
14. How did you hear about this event? *This question is required.