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Pre-Deployment Survey

1. MyExposome, Inc. and ICF are conducting a study on chemical exposure. We aim to understand the differences between chemicals absorbed by the skin or through the air. This study is funded by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences as part of a Small Business Innovation and Research grant with the National Institutes of Health.

All participants will receive a post-study analysis of their samplers and a detailed report of the findings. You can learn more about our approach and what chemicals we test for here:

Your participation, if selected based on availability of materials, involves:
  • Completing a short initial survey
  • Wearing 2 wristbands or “samplers” for 3 days (non-consecutive days are acceptable). One wristband will be worn on your dominant wrist, and the other inside a metal container (like a tea ball) as a necklace. Each will have a label for you to fill out the hours/day you put on the samplers during the study.
  • Completing a short post-participation survey.
  • Providing feedback on your experience after receiving your study results.
Voluntary Participation & Confidentiality
Participation is voluntary. You can choose not to answer any survey question and can stop participating at any time. Your decision to start or stop participating will not affect any services you may currently receive.

Your information will be strictly confidential. We will assign you a unique number, which will be on your surveys, wristband labels, and report. Your name will not be associated with any data you provide. Only a few researchers will have access to this information. All documents linking your name to your unique study ID will be stored safely and destroyed under the care of the study team.

Statement of Risk 
Overall, risks associated with participation in the study are unlikely and of low impact which may include minor skin irritation from stainless steel or silicone and/or stress from survey questions or chemical reports. Participants are free to discontinue wearing any sampler that causes discomfort and are free to refuse to respond to any question. There is also risk of sharing personal identifying information, and we are mitigating those risks by limiting access to PII (personal identifiable information) to trained personnel, using unique identifiers instead of names on documents and reports, and storing PII under protected electronic storage. 

Future Use of Information  
We may store your de-identified chemical and survey information indefinitely for future studies. If you agree now but decide later that you want it removed, please contact the study coordinator at

Publication & Benefits
We may publish the study results. Your name will not be used in any publication. Your participation may not benefit you directly, but it may benefit others by improving our understanding of chemical exposures. You can learn more about how this work has benefitted public health here:

For any questions or concerns, you may contact the study coordinator at

Frequently Asked Questions

Would you like to participate? 
Please note that if both a parent and a child would like to participate, there will need to be two separate informed consents as well as a signed Assent form sent separately for each child. Selecting yes, indicates your signature and consent to participate.
  *This question is required.