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RapidRide K Line Early Design Survey

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We're working to bring new RapidRide service to East King County to provide better, more reliable bus service to Kirkland and Bellevue and to improve connections with other transportation services. Metro plans to begin service by 2030—bringing RapidRide K Line to the fast-growing communities between Totem Lake Transit Center in Kirkland, downtown Bellevue, and Eastgate Park & Ride in Bellevue.

In this 10-minute survey, we want to hear about your experiences traveling and using transit in your community. Your feedback will shape early plans for RapidRide K Line, including informing station locations, projects that make it easier to get to the bus, and roadway changes that make the bus faster and more reliable.

Participation is voluntary, your answers are confidential, and you can skip questions or quit at any time.

If you have questions or comments, or if this survey is inaccessible to you for any reason, please contact