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2024 3Rivers Scholarship Contest

Before you begin...

3Rivers is committed to supporting education and wants to help students succeed. This year, we’re giving away $50,000 in college scholarships to deserving students!  Ready to enter? Let’s get started!

Note: Applications will be accepted until Monday, June 3, 2024, at 12:00 PM EST (noon). Applications completed and submitted after this time will be disqualified.

Here are a few things you’ll want to have handy before you begin:
  • Your 3Rivers account number or member number (if you’re not already, click here to become a member)!
  • Proof of college acceptance/full-time enrollment at an accredited college for the Fall 2024 semester (class schedule/letter of acceptance)* in one of these file formats: png, gif, jpg, doc, docx, pdf – If you do not yet have proof of enrollment, please upload a Word document including the line, “Proof of enrollment forthcoming.”
  • A recent photograph of yourself in one of these file formats: jpg, png
As a part of the application, we’ll ask you to copy and paste an essay of 500-1,000 words that speaks to ONE of the following topics:
  • Option 1: Research and discuss personal finance related social media trends and highlight how you either accept or reject the main arguments. (Some examples: “Girl/Boy Math,” “Doom Spending,” “Loud Budgeting,” side hustles, passive income streams, #DebtFreeJourney, and #FrugalLiving. Brainstorm: how might social media be used to teach students about money?)
  • Option 2: Reflect on a significant financial decision you or someone you know made and discuss the factors that influenced the choice and the lessons learned. (How did this decision impact your/their financial wellness and pursuit of future goals? Knowing what you/they know today, would you/they make the same choice?)
  • Option 3: You’ve been awarded a significant amount of money. Outline a detailed plan for how you’d manage this money to achieve your long-term goals.
Get a bonus entry! Meet with our Youth & College Team for a 30-minute financial aid review by Monday, June 3, 2024. Financial aid reviews may be done in-person, over the phone, or virtually, and can be scheduled by emailing or calling 260.399.8265.

Questions? Concerns? Get in touch! Contact us at


*Haven’t been accepted to, or chosen, a school yet? That’s okay. Go ahead and fill out the application. You will still be eligible to win, however, should you win, you will not receive your award until you have shown 3Rivers proof of full-time enrollment.