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2024 Campus Safety Weapons, Metal & Gun Detection Survey

General Information

IMPORTANT: Please click on the "submit" button at the end of the survey when you are finished taking it, even if you don't answer all of the questions.
1. Which of the following best describes your scope of responsibility? (Select one)
2. Does your campus/district/facility have (own, borrow, or rent) any of the following? (Check all that apply.)
3. In the past two years, has your campus/district/facility adopted as new or upgraded any of the following? If not, are you considering doing so in the next two years?
Space Cell Yes, and we ARE NOT considering buying more in the next 2 years.Yes, and we ARE considering buying more in the next 2 years.No, but we ARE considering doing so in the next 2 years.No, and we ARE NOT considering doing so in the next 2 years.I don't know
Weapons detection system (using video)
Weapons/metal detection (using sensors in walk-through or hand-held detectors)
Gunshot detection system
X-ray machines
4. If you have recently acquired a weapons detection system or plan to upgrade, what prompted you to do so? (Check all that apply.)