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Apply to the Saskatchewan Association of Medical Radiation Technologists 2024 Conference

Apply to SAMRT 2024 Conference

The SEIU-West Education Committee will be sponsoring up to two delegates to attend the Saskatchewan Association Saskatchewan Association of Medical Radiation Technologists 2024 Conference on May 4th, 2024 at the Saskatoon Inn and Conference Centre at 2002 Airport Dr, Saskatoon.
They will reimburse registration costs, lost wages, travel costs and meal expenses for those who are selected to attend according to our policies.

Space for these courses is limited, so get your Expression of Interest in soon. Your completed Expression of Interest form must be received in our office on or before April 23rd, 2024 in order to allow us to complete the selection process. 

More Information about the event can be found here:
Conference Information
Members must register through the member portal and choose Upcoming Events.
*Once you've been notified that the Education Committee is sponsoring you, you'll still need to register for the conference. Deadline to apply is April 26th. We will book you a hotel room if required and we will send you our Member Expense Form to reimburse your costs.

8. Are you currently working? *This question is required.
9. Have you attended union conferences/events before?  *This question is required.
10. Has SEIU-West's Education committee sent you to the SAMRT Conference before? 
11. Do you regularly attend your Unit union meetings and events? *This question is required.
12. Are you currently active as a shop steward or unit executive member? *This question is required.
14. Given the policy of SEIU-West requires members to submit a report within 30 days of the school, do you commit to writing and submitting this report?   *This question is required.
15. If you live 200 km or more from the conference location, your Union will cover the cost of a hotel room for the evening before the conference. Do you live more than 200km from the conference location?  *This question is required.
SEIU-West requires room sharing.
For purposes of room-sharing, I identify as a: 
(we are using the term sibling for those that do not/choose to not identify as either brother or sister) 
I prefer to room-share with a: *This question is required.
NOTE: the information you provide in this form will be used for the purposes of this event including but not limited to carpooling and/or hotel room sharing if required.