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WV 2024 Youth Services Survey for Family Members (YSS-F)

Administered by Acentra Health for the West Virginia Department of Human Services (DoHS) Bureau for Behavioral Health (BBH)

This survey is for family members of children up to age 17 who received mental health or co-occurring behavioral health services at any point between October 2023 and now. Please help BBH make services better by answering some questions about your experiences. Your answers are confidential and will not influence the services you or your child receives. 

Thank you for your time to complete the survey, which will take about 10 minutes.

Please indicate if you Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Are Undecided, Agree, or Strongly Agree with each of the statements below. You can also choose Not Applicable if it is something you or your child has not experienced.
1. Overall, I am satisfied with the services my child received.
2. I helped to choose my child's services.
3. I helped to choose my child's treatment goals.
4. The people helping my child stuck with us no matter what. 
5. I felt my child had someone to talk to when he/she/they were troubled.
6. I participated in my child's treatment.
7. The services my child and/or family received were right for us.
8. The location of services was convenient for us.
9. Services were available at times that were convenient for us.
10. My family got the help we wanted for my child.
11. My family got as much help as we needed for my child.
12. Staff treated me with respect.
13. Staff respected my family's religious/spiritual beliefs.
14. Staff spoke with me in a way that I understood.
15. Staff were sensitive to my cultural/ethnic background.
As a result of the services my child and/or family received:
16. My child is handling daily life better.
17. My child gets along better with family members.
18. My child gets along better with friends and other people.
19. My child is doing better in school and/or work.
20. My child is able to cope better when things go wrong.
21. I am satisfied with our family life right now.
22. My child is able to do things better that he/she/they want to do.
Please answer the following questions about your relationships with persons other than your mental health provider(s). As a result of the services my child and/or family received:
23. I know people who will listen and understand me when I need to talk.
24. I have people I am comfortable talking with about my child’s problems.
25. In a crisis, I would have the support I need from family or friends.
26. I have people with whom I can do enjoyable things.
Please tell us more about the services your child and family received and how your child is doing now.
31. Is your child currently living with you?
32. Has your child lived in any of the following places in the last year? Please check all that apply.
  • * This question is required.
33. In the last year, did your child see a medical doctor or other health care professional for a health check-up or because he/she/they were sick? Check one.
34. Is your child taking medication for emotional/behavioral health needs?
Did the doctor or health care provider tell you and/or your child the possible side effects of the medication?
35. Is your child still receiving mental health or co-occurring behavioral health services?
36. How long did your child receive services?
Was your child arrested since beginning to receive mental health services?
Was your child arrested during the 12 months prior to that?
Since your child began to receive mental health services, have their encounters with the police
Was your child expelled or suspended since beginning services?
Was your child expelled or suspended during the 12 months prior to that?
Since starting to receive services, the number of days my child was in school is
The reason I answered "does not apply" to the number of days my child was in school is because my child
Was your child arrested during the last 12 months?
Was your child arrested during the 12 months prior to that?
Over the last year, have your child's encounters with the police
Was your child expelled or suspended during the last 12 months?
Was your child expelled or suspended during the 12 months prior to that?
Over the last year, the number of days my child was in school is
37. The reason the number of days my child was in school does not apply is that my child
Please let us know a little more about your child for statistical purposes.
38. Are either of your child's parents Hispanic or Latino?
39. What is your child's race? Please mark all that apply.
41. What sex was your child assigned at birth?
42. How does your child describe his/her/their gender?
43. Does your child identify as part of the LGBTQIA+ community?
44. Does your child have Medicaid insurance?
Does your child have health insurance other than Medicaid?
This question requires a valid email address.