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ICIC Partner Referral System Sign-Up

ICAN Partner Referral System Sign-Up

ICIC has a robust network of ecosystem partners we collaborate with to provide valuable resources and support to our 8,000+ program participants and alumni. There is a plethora of local and national resources that your small business can take advantage of, whether you’re in need of technical assistance, coaching, or access to capital.

ICIC's Inner City Alumni Network (ICAN) is excited to introduce a new benefit exclusively for ICAN members: the Partner Referral System, which connects ICIC alumni with capital providers and business support organizations in our ecosystem partner network.

Sign up below to receive personalized referrals to partner organizations and access the resources you need to grow your business. Indicate the types of resources you are interested in by checking the corresponding box(es).
This question requires a valid email address.
4. What types of resources are you interested in being referred to? Select all that apply. *This question is required.