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2024 HCRC Train-the-Trainer Interest Form

Thank you for taking the time to complete this interest form for the Ohio Human Capital Resource Center (HCRC) train-the-trainer series. Please read further to learn more about the program and provide your information below to receive more information about upcoming events. 

Program Description
This professional development offering is designed for staff from educational service centers who:
  • Assist districts and/or other educational organizations with improving their human capital management systems (HCMS), or
  • Work in HR/talent or organizational leadership at their own ESC, or
  • Are not yet engaged in HCMS improvement work but who would like to grow their capacity in this space.
Through a series of virtual and in-person sessions, participants will be equipped to:
  • Assess district and school human capital needs, 
  • Support HCMS process improvement, and 
  • Measure the impact of HCMS changes. 
2024 Timeline
The following are the events planned for the train-the-trainer series in 2024:
  • June 14th: Talent acquisition in-person session 

  • August 15th: Talent acquisition virtual session 

  • August 29th: Community of practice meeting 

  • September 11th: Talent retention in-person session (OESCA fall conference) 

  • October, November, January, March (dates TBD): Community of practice meetings 

This question requires a valid email address.
7. Are you planning to attend the Talent Acquisition virtual make-up* session on August 15th from 10–30am–12:30pm? If so, you will receive a calendar invite with a Zoom link.

*Note: This session is a make up for individuals who were unable to attend the in-person Talent Acquisition training on June 14th.