Evaluation Description:
Evaluation: The student will be graded on his/her initiative, knowledge and critical thinking, and effectiveness in a research setting. The student will also be required to submit a 1-3 page report on the research project and summary of research accomplishments 1 week prior the end of the rotation.
Assessment & Feedback:
1. Assessment: Assessment of performance in the advanced competency in research will be performed by the student’s research advisor by
A) completion of an evaluation form (see AC rubric modeled after the nationally established CTSA core competencies (attached) which will be used to assess performance on pre-identified learning objectives in addition to
B) a summary narrative (1-2 paragraphs) prepared by the research advisor to describe and evaluate the quality of the student’s performance during the AC in Research.
2. Feedback: The student receives weekly feedback from the research advisor
A. Meeting with MDSR program manager prior to application submission.
B. Agreement of an OSU faculty research mentor to organize and supervise student research training and evaluate student performance in the AC in research for the specified time period and
C. Submission of Student Preparatory Materials via the online submission process by deadline listed on the MDSR website.
D. Approval of the AC in research Preparatory Materials by the MDSR Program Director (Dr. Ben Kaffenberger) is required for the AC in Research.