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BPHC Workforce Well-being Technical Assistance | Community of Practice 5 Application

Thank you for your interest in participating in one of the BPHC Workforce Well-being Technical Assistance Communities of Practice (CoP)! Please review the information below and answer the following questions, then hit submit to apply. 
The Communities of Practice (CoP) are an important technical assistance opportunity designed for health centers who are committed to implementing, or are already implementing, workforce well-being initiatives. Each CoP focuses on a topic that addresses one of the key drivers of workforce well-being to assist health centers with creating, implementing, and evaluating individualized Action Plans. CoPs will comprise up to 30 participants who will meet for 90 minutes every other week over a four-month period. In addition, participants can receive additional optional technical support in between meetings during our scheduled office hours. 

Topic: Redesigning Workflows for More Effective and Efficient Processes
Date/Time: May 14, 2024 - August 20, 2024. Every other Tuesday (8 Sessions) from 2:00 – 3:30 p.m. ET
Main Audience: Health center managers responsible for daily non-clinical operations (e.g. COO, operations directors, clinic administrators, office managers, etc.)
Staff from any HRSA supported health centers are eligible to apply. However, priority will be given to:

  • Leaders responsible for workforce well-being initiatives
  • Managers who oversee the daily operations in a health center
  • Applicants who can commit to attending all or most sessions and complete work between sessions
This Community of Practice (CoP) will focus on individual and organizational strategies that leaders can apply in their health centers to establish supportive health center processes through efficient and effective workflows that reduce burnout and improve job satisfaction.

By the end of this CoP, participants will:
  • Understand the importance and relevance of efficient and effective workflows on burnout and job satisfaction.
  • Understand how to leverage data sources and team member feedback to identify areas of workflow improvement. 
  • Learn how to engage workforce well-being champions for improving workflows. 
  • Be able to apply different methods and analysis tools that can be leveraged to improve health center processes.
  • Discover ways that EHR/EMR systems, automation, and artificial intelligence can reduce administrative burden and improve workflows.
  • Develop an action plan for improving workflows to positively impact job satisfaction.
This question requires a valid email address.
14. Are you applying on behalf of someone else?  *This question is required.
If yes, please answer the following questions from that person’s perspective.
15. Do you supervise a team of staff members? *This question is required.

What type of staff members do you supervise?

*This question is required.
16. How many of the eight 90-minute community of practice sessions will you be able to attend? *This question is required.

How would you describe your direct supervisor’s support of your participation in the community of practice?

*This question is required.