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Parent/Caregiver Seminar Registration

Registration for Triple P Seminars offered through CCDPH's Health Education Team

In order to reserve your spot in the seminar, please complete this form.  Once complete, you will receive a confirmation email.  Please pay special attention to the Course Expectations- If you do not follow these instructions, we may not be able to provide certificates/letters of completion.  Please also include a current phone number in case we need to contact you with updated information for your class. You will not receive reminder calls/emails for these classes, so please take note of dates and times as you sign up!
6. What age ranges are the children you are currently parenting? (Regardless of whether they are currently in your custody)
8. Which course are you signing up for?

*If you have children in more than one category, you may select the option you feel would be most helpful for you. 
*If you have a child in the 10-12 age range, you may select either the 2-12 or teen option, whichever you feel would meet your needs better.
  • Triple P 0-12: Tuesdays, August 13, 20, 27, 9:30-11 am
  • Triple P Teen: Thursdays, August 15, 22, 29, 9:30-11 am
  • Triple P 0-12: Tuesdays, September 10, 17, 24, 9:30-11 am
  • Triple P Teen: Thursdays, September 12, 19, 26, 9:30-11 am

Please take note of the dates and times of your selected classes- You will NOT receive reminder calls or emails!
9. Who referred you to the Triple P parenting course?
11. Course Expectations: Please Read Carefully
  • I understand that by enrolling in a Triple P course, I am agreeing to attend and actively participate in all three seminar sessions. I will come with an open mind and willing to learn. 
  • I understand that each seminar is scheduled for 1.5 hours.  I agree to arrive early enough to be in my seat and ready for the seminar at the scheduled starting time.
  • I understand that this is a 3-seminar series, and I must attend each of the seminars to receive a completion certificate/letter.   If an EMERGENCY arises, I may be able to attend the missed seminar the next time it is offered.  However, if this occurs, we cannot guarantee when you will be able to take the missed seminar, and this may affect your completion date. If you have a court deadline, it is your responsibility to ensure your seminar series can be completed in time.
  • I understand that I MUST sign in at each class as proof of attendance. Without this proof, we cannot issue completion certificates and letters.
  • I understand that I will need to arrange reliable transportation to and from the seminar location.  If transportation is a problem, please reach out to us AT LEAST one week before the seminar to discuss possible solutions.
  • Children are not permitted in the classroom*.  I understand I will need to arrange childcare during these seminars. Children may not be left unattended in the facility. *Exceptions will be made for nursing infants, as we are a breastfeeding-friendly organization.
  • We can only issue a certificate and letter of completion if you sign in for and attend all three sessions. If you do not need this, you are welcome to attend single seminars as desired.
  • I understand that I will NOT receive reminder calls or emails before the class dates. (You will receive a registration confirmation email.)
*This question is required.