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Black Culture Conversation Survey

We'd Love to Hear Your Thoughts on Black Culture in Southwark!

We're on a mission to celebrate and grow Black culture in Southwark, and we need your help to make it happen. 

This survey is your chance to share your voice and experiences. It’s all part of the Black Culture Conversation project, where we’re teaming up with people like you—residents, creatives, and community groups—to spark a meaningful chat about how we can support and shine a light on Black culture in our area.

Your Privacy Matters

Your answers are just for us to learn and will stay anonymous. We’ll keep everything you share safe and confidential, using it only to make Southwark a better place for Black culture.

If you are under 18 you need permission from your parents/guardian to take part in this survey. 

If you have any questions please contact us on