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2024 Multistate Codequest (Virtual) on March 25

1. Overall evaluation: *This question is required.
Space Cell Extremely SatisfiedVery SatisfiedModerately SatisfiedSlightly SatisfiedNot at all SatisfiedNot Applicable
Overall, how satisfied were you with the course?
This course was taught at a level right for me.
Handouts facilitated my understanding of this course.
Presentation was organized.
Presentation met learning objective.
How would you rate the location of this course?
5. Would you recommend this course to a colleague? *This question is required.
6. Did the instructor disclose any financial interest?

Did the course contain any commercial bias?

*This question is required.
8. How did you find out about this course? (Check all that apply)
9. Are you claiming IJCAHPO credit for attending the 2024 Multistate Codequest held virtually on March 25 *This question is required.
  • Enter the requested information below. (Information must match your registration)
  • Submit your survey.