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2024 Maryland Market Rate and Cost of Care Survey

Basic Information

Welcome!  This survey is also available in Spanish. To select Spanish, please click on the drop-down menu at the top of the page.

¡Bienvenidos!   Esta encuesta también está disponible en español. Para seleccionar la versión es español de la encuesta, haga clic en el menú en la parte superior de la página.


The Maryland State Department of Education, Division of Early Childhood is requesting your help to estimate the cost of child care, both current costs and the “true cost” for a financially sustainable child care program. These cost questions have been combined with questions to understand the child care market, or the tuition charged to families. To estimate the cost of care, we need to collect information on child care related costs and expenditures required to run your child care program.

This survey is being conducted by a non-profit organization, Prenatal to Five Fiscal Strategies (P5FS), on behalf of the Maryland state Department of Education (MSDE), Division of Early Childhood. The survey asks questions related to the costs of operating a child care program, which are intended for executive directors, program directors, or the financial director of a child care center, or the owner of a family child care home.

For those who run a child care business, you may want to gather your expense statements and/or budget (if you have one) to help answer the questions (for example, it may be helpful to have your Schedule C IRS tax form nearby for reference). 

All information will be kept completely confidential and only the P5FS team will be able to see your individual responses. Your data will be combined with data from other child care programs and only the combined data will be shared in summary form and cannot be linked back to you or your program. 

The survey should take 20 minutes to complete if you have your financial information and child enrollment data nearby. The survey allows you to save and continue your responses at a later time by entering your email when requested. You will be sent a unique link back to your survey progress up to that point. If you have any questions about this survey or need any additional support, please do not hesitate to reach out to, or call (217) 469-5250 and someone from our team will return your call.
Privacy Policy and Consent

Your individual responses will not be available to anyone other than the Prenatal to Five Fiscal Strategies (P5FS) team. Your personally identifiable information will not be used for any other purpose other than to contact you in the case we have a clarifying question about your survey responses. Only de-identified data that has been combined across respondents will be shared with anyone external to the P5FS study team. P5FS will not report any sample sizes that are less than 10 to support confidentiality. Your personally identifiable information will be stored in secure systems.
This question requires a valid email address.
5. What is your primary role at your early education or child care site? *This question is required.