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NAM Leadership Consortium AICC Commentary Paper: Public Comment

AI Code of Conduct Commentary Paper: Public Comment

The draft AI Code of Conduct framework is comprised of a set of principles (the Code Principles) grounded in related antecedent work, along with a set of application commitments (Code Commitments) for broad adoption by the key stakeholders of the AI life cycle: developers, researchers, health systems, payers, patients, and federal agencies. The Code Principles provide touchstones around which health AI governance—facilitative and precautionary—can be shaped, tested, validated, and continually improved as technology, governance capability, and insights advance. The Code Commitments are intended to direct the application of these Principles in practice and are oriented to decisions and actions.

The public comment period will be open until May 3, 2024. 
2. For the table below, please indicate how well the Code Principle descriptions match the desired attribute (e.g., clear, concise, etc.).
  *This question is required.
Space Cell ClearRelevantCompleteConciseRobustAdaptable
Engaged: Understanding, expressing, and prioritizing the needs, preferences, goals of people, and the related implications throughout the AI life cycle
Safe: Attendance to and continuous vigilance for potentially harmful consequences from the application of AI in health and medicine for individuals and population groups
Effective: Application proven to achieve the intended improvement in personal health and the human condition, in the context of established ethical principles
Equitable: Application accompanied by proof of appropriate steps to ensure fair and unbiased development and access to AI-associated benefits and risk mitigation measures
Efficient: Development and use of AI associated with reduced costs for health gained, in addition to a reduction, or at least neutral state, of adverse impacts on the natural environment.
Accessible: Ensuring that seamless stakeholder access and engagement is a core feature of each phase of the AI life cycle and governance
Transparent: Provision of open, accessible, and understandable information on component AI elements, performance, and their associated outcomes
Accountable: Identifiable and measurable actions taken in the development and use of AI, with clear documentation of benefits and clear accountability for potentially adverse consequences
Secure: Validated procedures to ensure privacy and security, as health data sources are better positioned as a fully protected core utility for the common good, including use of AI for continuous learning and improvement
Adaptive: Assurance that the accountability framework will deliver ongoing information on the results of AI application, for use as required for continuous learning and improvement in health, health care, biomedical science, and, ultimately, the human condition
3. Is this set of Code Principles, and the attendant descriptors, sufficient to focus attention and action on the issues that must be anticipated to ensure that the use of AI in health and health care optimally advances the human condition?
  *This question is required.
4. For the table below, please indicate how well the Code Commitments match the desired attribute (e.g., clear, concise, etc.).

  *This question is required.
Space Cell ClearRelevantCompleteConciseRobustAdaptable
Focus: Protect and advance human health and human connection as the primary aims
Benefits: Ensure equitable distribution of benefit and risk for all
Involvement: Engage people as partners with agency in every stage of the lifecycle
Workforce well-being: Renew the moral well-being and sense of shared purpose to the health care workforce
Monitoring: Monitor and openly and comprehensibly share methods and evidence of AI’s performance and impact on health and safety
Innovation: Innovate, adopt, collaboratively learn, continuously improve, and advance the standard of clinical practice
5. Is this set of Code Commitments sufficient to capture the actions needed to ensure application of the Code Principles in practice? *This question is required.