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Spring 2024, Professional Development Day Survey

Evaluation of morning session

This survey helps the PDC/CPDC better understand the experience of all employees of our PD Day. Your constructive feedback is extremely useful for helping us plan future PD Day.  If you did not attend a particular workshop or event, please leave questions related to that workshop blank.

Thanks in advance for your time!

Abigail Orosz - Professional Development Coordinator 
CPDC Members (Erin ONeill, Amanda Delatorre, Peter Murray, Yosief Yihunie, Dennis Biddle & Mitch Heskell)
PDC Members (Lea Hald, Kiersten Elliott, Jessica Krug, Marissa Moreno, Julie Chekroun, Brian Rodas and Maria Muñoz)

1. What is your employment category?
2. On a scale of 0-10, how would rate Dr. Jeffery's presentation overall?
5. On a scale of 0-10, how would rate the Caring Campus presentation during the morning session overall?