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U.S. City Diplomacy Survey

The U.S. City Diplomacy survey is a joint initiative by the U.S. Conference of Mayors and the Truman Center for National Policy. 

This effort seeks to capture the formal and informal engagements that subnational governments have developed with foreign cities and other governments. In particular, we hope to capture where U.S. cities have signed bilateral commitments or partnerships since 2016. This survey will also help cities understand the capacity and efforts of their neighbors to remain engaged in international outreach and collaborations. 

Contact or for support.

What Data this Survey Captures
  • Your city’s current capacity and resources for engaging internationally (dedicated staff and budget);
  • Your city’s membership in international city networks;
  • Your formal signed agreements with foreign partners (cities, regions, countries overseas);
  • Your most significant meetings with foreign partners (outgoing trade missions, incoming delegations, etc.).
Why Your Participation Matters 
  • Findings will help us create a tool for U.S. city leaders to learn about the capacity and international connections of their peers, and;
  • Will help raise awareness about how U.S. cities are engaging with counterparts around the world and how those ties benefit their communities and the United States.
How Your Data Will Be Used
  • We will share results at the U.S. Conference of Mayors 92nd Annual Meeting in Kansas City, MO, in June 2024.
  • The Truman Center for National Policy will compile results in the first-ever living map of U.S. subnational engagement, accessible via the Truman Center’s website, No individually identifying information will be published at any time.
Tips for filling out the survey
  • We recommend gathering the following information on your partnerships and engagements before starting the survey as it will make it easier to fill out. 
  • If you would like to provide a sheet for bulk upload instead of using this survey form, please reach out to
About You *This question is required.
This question requires a valid email address.
What organization do you represent? *This question is required.