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2024 Professional Pipeline Student Scholarship- Student

Congratulations on your nomination for the EDUCAUSE Professional Pipeline Student Scholarship! 

You have been nominated for this scholarship because the individual that nominated you recognizes the value you can bring to the higher education IT profession. More information about this scholarship opportunity can be found on the EDUCAUSE Scholarship webpage. Applying for this scholarship is a two-step process. Step one has already been completed by your nominator, and step two is for you to complete this form and submit your application video. 

As a reminder, EDUCAUSE will provide awardees of the Professional Pipeline Student Scholarship the following benefits:

  • A complimentary registration to the in-person EDUCAUSE Annual Conference in San Antonio, Texas (October 21–24, 2024)
  • Complimentary hotel accommodations for three nights
  • Up to a $1000 travel stipend to assist with transportation and incidental expenses associated with attending the conference (stipend dependent on your current location)
  • Introduction to a mentor in the Higher Ed IT field with the opportunity to connect in person at the Conference 
  • A special conference orientation/overview from an EDUCAUSE VIP
  • An awardee breakfast or lunch with EDUCAUSE leadership
  • The opportunity for an experienced professional in the field to review your resume or offer personalized career coaching

Your application materials will be reviewed by the EDUCAUSE Scholarship Committee who will recommend funding for about 10 individuals during the 2024 application window. 

  • A graduate or undergraduate  student from an underrepresented group or at-need population
  • Employed or volunteer as a student consultant or student worker at an EDUCAUSE member institution
  • Considering a career as a higher education IT professional
  • Nominated by an institutional sponsor who will write a letter of recommendation and provide a commitment of financial support for students incurring travel expenses to attend the conference
  • Willing to follow event policies 
  • 18 years of age or older
  • Submit all application materials by the scholarship deadline - August 16, 2024. (For the 2024 EDUCAUSE Annual Conference, please note that if your application is submitted and accepted after this date, you will not  receive the complimentary hotel room noted in the benefits section above.
To complete your application submission we ask that you answer the following three questions and create and submit a short (2-3 minutes) video link (i.e., YouTube, Vimeo, TikTok, etc.) sharing how you will personally benefit from receiving this scholarship and how you intend to positively impact the future of higher education through your career as an IT professional. 
Contact Information *This question is required.
Eligibility Confirmation: (Note: If you answerd no to any of the below questions, the scholarship team will reach out to you, for additional information). *This question is required.
Additional Information:
Impact Statements (200 words each max): *This question is required.
Video Submission: *This question is required.