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Ending the Syndemic Training March 2024

Cardea Services 
Questions about this evaluation? Email 
We hope you found this educational offering both interesting and informative. Your anonymous responses will be used to plan future educational activities. 
2. Have you ever participated in an ECHO before?
3. Does your clinic/organization have a policy and/or protocol to address the following:
Space Cell YesNo
HIV Prevention
HIV Screening
HIV Treatment
Identifying who may benefit from PrEP
Prescribing PrEP
Syphilis Prevention
Syphilis Screening
Syphilis Treatment
Syphilis Standing Orders
Syphilis Field Based Treatment
Hepatitis C Prevention
Hepatitis C Screening
Hepatitis C Treatment
Substance Use Disorder Prevention
Substance Use Disorder Screening
Substance Use Disorder Treatment
Harm Reduction Services
4. Does your clinic/organization have specific programming (i.e. funding, clinics, physicians, etc.) for: 
Space Cell YesNo
Hepatitis C
Substance Use Disorders
Harm Reduction
5. In any given month, approximately how many patients do you estimate you are treating for....