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Continuing Education credit — February 2024

As a subscriber to, you can earn up to 12 hours of CE credit from the CFP Board and the Investments & Wealth Institute.

Please read the articles and answer the questions below. To find the related article, click on the hyperlinked title of the story – both online-only articles as well as stories published in the magazine.

You must answer 8 of the 10 questions correctly to qualify for CE credit.

Financial Planning does not email a certificate of completion. Please take a screenshot of the results screen, and keep the confirmation for your records. Financial Planning reports results to the CFP Board weekly. The board may take an additional two weeks to post results.

If you need assistance, please contact our Customer Success Team
1. If a client wants to “superfund” a grandchild’s 529 plan, they may transfer up to this amount duty-free into that account in 2024 if they are a single tax filer. *This question is required.
2. These contributions will count against the annual exclusions from gift taxes to one recipient for how many years? *This question is required.
3. Which of these gamblers would NOT receive a form W-2G to report their winnings, according to the IRS? *This question is required.
4. At what income would a client be considered too highly compensated to be eligible for a pension-linked emergency savings account? *This question is required.
5. A client can withdraw as much as this amount from their main 401(k) account for personal emergency spending without incurring a 10% tax. *This question is required.
6. A client can withdraw up to this amount from their main 401(k) account if they are victims of domestic abuse. *This question is required.
7. If a client invests in an opportunity zone program, they will not incur any capital gains when selling an asset owned by their fund as long as they hold it for how many years. *This question is required.
8. Which of these tax paying entities will NOT be subject to an IRS question on whether they received or sold cryptocurrencies in 2023? *This question is required.
9. Which of these bond ETFs had the WORST performance in 2023? *This question is required.
Related Content: The top 20 bond ETFs of 2023
10. For 2024, which of these states has the most favorable top marginal personal income tax rate? *This question is required.
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