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Digital Service Design Programme Application

Digital Service Design Programme for the Third Sector

This is an application form to apply to take part in the 7-month Digital Service Design Programme for the Third Sector. We're looking to work with a diverse range of Third Sector organisations across Wales. There will be a selection process where five successful applicants will be chosen to participate in the course. The five selected organisations will each receive £4,800 (VAT Inclusive) remuneration for taking part.

The deadline for applications is Friday 28th February, 11:59pm.

For further details on the programme and what's expected, visit our programme page here.

This programme is a part of ProMo Cymru's Third Sector Digital Support project funded through the National Lottery Community Fund.

If you would prefer to complete this using Word, please click here to download the application form and return the completed form to The deadline for applications is Friday 28th February, 11:59pm. 

1. New Radio Buttons
2. New Radio Buttons
3. New Radio Buttons
This question requires a valid email address.
8. Type of Third Sector Organisation: *This question is required.
11. What sector(s) do you work in? 
Please tick the sectors that most relate to your work (you can tick more than one option) *This question is required.
12. What locations do you work in?
If you work across Wales, please tick “All Wales”. You can tick more than one option. *This question is required.
Project Lead 1
This question requires a valid email address.
Project Lead 2
This question requires a valid email address.