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Huber Social ERB Project Extension/Amendment/Monitoring Form


All social impact measurement projects conducted by, or on behalf of Huber Social, or that use the Huber Social Wellbeing Measurement Framework, platform or tools, must obtain approval from the Huber Social Ethical Review Board (ERB) before any measurement activities commence. Those projects must adhere to the general and specific conditions set by the ERB upon approval, and must notify the ERB of any extension to project lifecycle, significant changes to measurement activities, annual progress if the project lifecycle extends past a year, and any ethical incidents or concerns that have arisen that could warrant additional ethical review. 

Extension of Project Lifecycle

This form may be used when a project's lifecycle will not be finished by the time the project's ethical approval will end, but the Project Lead wishes to extend ERB ethical oversight of the project. This application should be submitted at least one month prior to the ethical approval period end date; retroactive extension requests will not be considered.

Changes to Measurement Activities

This form may be used when a project's measurement activities have significantly deviated from what was originally stated in the Measurement Plan included with the project's initial ERB Approval Application. The purpose of this form is to track and register changes from the originally agreed-upon course of measurement activities. This form should be submitted as soon as a change to the Measurement Plan is known by the Project Lead, before the change(s) occur.

Annual Progress Monitoring

This form may be used to monitor the progress of measurement projects' whose measurement activities endure for more than one year, as a means of monitoring measurement progress and confirming that activities are proceeding as originally approved. In this case, the monitoring form should be submitted on an annual basis from start of ethical approval until the project's end.

Reporting incidents/concerns

This form may be used to report ethical incidents or concerns that arise during the lifecycle of a measurement project. The purpose of this form is to track and register ethical incidents or concerns, and to engage the Chief Integrity Officer to ensure the appropriate strategies and actions have been taken to mitigate, address, rectify and/or prevent the situation. This form should be submitted as soon as a concern or incident arises.


The completed application will be submitted to the Huber Social Chief Integrity Officer (CIO), who is responsible for reviewing these materials or recommending ERB review. Verbal applications or applications in other formats will not be accepted. Each question field must be completed and cannot simply refer to an attachment, although attachments may be used to support the information provided in the form.  A decision can be expected within 1-2 weeks of application submission; notification will be sent electronically to the Project Lead at the email provided in the application
Project Details
7. Are you submitting this form to request an extension of project lifecycle, to report a change(s) to measurement activities, to update the ERB on measurement activities progress over the past year, and/or to report an incident/concern? 

Note: Please select all that apply *This question is required.