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FY25 SALT Grant Intent to Apply

Please complete the following questions to indicate your intent to apply for a 21st Century Community Learning Centers Supporting Additional Learning Time Grant (FC647 - Competitive) by May 24, 2024. Submission of the Intent to Apply does not obligate the applicant to submit a proposal. 

In order to apply for a Fiscal Year (FY) 2025 21st CCLC FC 647 Grant, you and/or organization must be set up in the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education’s (Department’s) new grants management system, Grants for Education Management System (GEM$).
  • School Districts- If you do not currently have access to GEMS contact your Superintendent or fiscal person to be assigned  a role.
  • Non School Districts- If your organization does not currently have access to GEMS email Karyl Resnick for an application.

Please refer to the Funding Opportunity - Request for Proposal documents for information about eligibility requirements and max. number of sites for which you may apply. 

For potential applicants that are neither a public school district (including charters) nor a current recipient of a 21st CCLC grant, in addition to the above requested information, please also provide your organization’s tax identification number.  

Please note that you will not receive confirmation of your submission of this intent beyond the thank you page at the end this. 
1. Contact Information
2. School District Applicants List Applicant School(s) This is a required Question
3. Non School District Applicants List Partnering School(s) This is a required Question