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50+ Cycling Survey - Year 5

Cycling Past 50 Survey

dblTilde CORE, Inc., in partnership with the Mineta Transportation Institute, San Jose State University, is conducting a survey to gather your thoughts and preferences about cycling as an older adult. Your responses are very important, no matter how much or little you cycle, or whether you cycle at all.

The survey takes about 20 minutes, is anonymous, and completely voluntary. You can stop taking the survey at any time. If you participate, there are no anticipated risks to you and no anticipated benefits other than the satisfaction of sharing your views with the researchers.

If you have taken the survey before, please take it again. Here’s why:
  • First, this is the fifth time we are offering the survey. Over time and with each subsequent survey, we learn more about older cyclists and, through sharing these results, increase awareness about your cycling needs. Reports on the 3rd and 4th survey results are available.
  • Second, you are a year or two older than the last time you completed the survey. Things change with each passing year, including our cycling. Taking the survey again helps us know what affects cycling as we age.
  • Third, you may use taking the survey as a time to reflect on your cycling, which may mean doing some things differently.
For more information about the study, contact Carol Kachadoorian at or Dr. Hilary Nixon at

By agreeing to participate in the study, it is implied that you have read and understand the above information. Please do not write any identifying information on the survey.

1. Do you agree to the above terms?