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Connectivity & Control: BIS SC60 diagnostic benchmark

Is your digital asset network choice going to mean a 1250% RWA treatment from next year?

The new BIS rule SC60 assigns a different balance-sheet treatment (Risk Weighted Assets) based on a series of conditions - and can lead to certain crypto-assets requiring 1250% in Risk Weighted Assets for banks.

The nature of your network has a major role to play in this distinction. All "cryptoassets [including tokenised assets] that use permissionless blockchains" can trigger a risk weighting of up to 1250%. 

This tool is designed to help you understand the current, likely treatment of your digital assets, based on how these conditions are applied.

Please take a few minutes for us to walk you through some of the major questions that SC60 raises. If you leave your email with us (below), we will then send you your own personalised benchmarking scorecard when you have finished the survey. This scorecard will help to identify areas where your regulatory capital requirements may possibly be impacted.

(This information in this survey is for indicative purposes only and does not constitute advice or inducement to act in any way. Please seek professional advice if you are seeking a definitive interpretation of SC60).

NOTE: This diagnostic tool is best accessed via desktop browser.
This question requires a valid email address.